Famous TV Show actor Matthew Perry dies from the covid-19 vaccine

1 year ago

An actor by the name of Matthew Perry who played as a character named Chandler in a TV show known as 'Friends' recently passed away at the age of 54 in his home. He apparently drowned in his own jacuzzi but medical examiners aren't "certain" how he was prompted to drown in the first place. Well you guessed it: He was vaccinated. Sudden Lee must've striked again. Believe it or not, the show 'friends', was funded by the elites to distract people from the real issues of this world. It's all part of their plan to dumb down the masses. Instead of people becoming more intelligent by making plans against the one world government, they will instead be distracted by mediocre level television that no one should watch. Of course a lot of these actors would start promoting the vaccine once people become fans of them so that they will be biased enough for the celebrities to take the mark of the beast. Nobody should ever be listening to these satanic influences.

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