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1 year ago

The paper for the ballots was created, ordered and supplied by DHS in bulk for the 2020 Federal elections (due to COVID).

Here is where the conspiracy theory comes into play.

Trump used COVID against them to take control of the mail in ballots.

Printing was done state by state, so whoever did the printing, received the watermarked ballots.

The swing states sent them out, but then destroyed the ones for Trump and printed new ones for Biden, which did not have the watermark with the QFS Blockchain Encryption Code.

It’s brilliant and makes complete sense!


  • 0/2000
  • I heard about this 3 yrs ago. So if they had/have the evidence why did we have to go through this? To wake up Normies and/or to make all the overseas moves? It's an insane amount of information to take in and try and digest. Good share

  • It was the biggest sting operation ever!

  • Ain’t it WONDERFUL!!!!!! I do believe I’m going to live to see and experience it all!! Hallelujah!!

  • All the Hype about this on Q and by Steve Piec He is CIA Retired CIA Steve Pieczenik Main question: Is he trustworthy? What does everyone think? Most people here know Steve Pieczenik as the retired CIA InfoWars guy that came out during the election cycle to profess the following: there's a soft coup in place where he, along with Julian Assange and other white hats, are working to take out the deep state that attempted to put Clinton in the White House. He's since gone on to make a lot of great content regarding false flag operations, insights in the Middle East, etc. Pieczenic is well-aligned with key people in Trump's periphery, such as Bannon and Roger Stone. He is also regarded as reputable by conspiracy theorists I enjoy and observe, like Victory of the Light. Generally, I've liked Pieczenik's material and I think his views are reflective of what's going on in the intelligence community surrounding Trump. He's a bellwether of sorts. It wasn't until late that I've actually started questioning Pieczenik. Here's why: He was State Department and worked directly under Kissinger, a guy responsible for countless atrocities around the world. He was CIA and specifically, a psychiatrist (ie, drug-administering therapist). He is a consultant to the RAND corporation, and every other entity responsible for carrying out MK Ultra. In fact, his most recent video has the following quote: "In the past, I ran a ward of the criminally insane who did attempt to attack the president or threatened to attack the president and I worked closely with the secret service." He served in the state department at the same time as the creation of the Mujahideen and the creation of the Taliban... and those Pakistani factions are still being used as tools of the deep state today (like the Awan brothers). I actually think this is one reason why he hits George Webb as strongly as he does. To be clear, I know Webb is also a creature of the intelligence community but I do not know his resume

  • Awesome. I saw Trump mentioned this just a few days ago.

    1 like
  • Music to my ears♥️ You know military is in control when media can’t say anything that they aren’t allowed to. 🤭I hope others caught that😂 I’m so ready for the switch back to our President in front and center where he belongs and a 🔥off lot sooner than 2024 🥰🙏🇺🇸🙏

    1 like
  • The crime is so GREAT Precision is at work God says he is in control

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  • is this CGI or just him in front of a green screen? chair and phone have angular shadows and he doesn't. plus he's definitely layered in there for sure.

  • guess we'll see if this is true or not. Did hear Trump say something about water marks the other day.

  • Holy smokes! This sounds amazing, brilliant and really good news for America. I am sad however, that horrific things happened that did not have to happen and never would have happened if Trump had been able to call out these evil sons of bitches and their minions sooner. Open borders with potential terrorists from all corners of the world pouring in, the devastation to our currency and financial status in the world, crushing inflation, a fake insurrection, the senseless torture, mutilation, rape and drug-fueled slaughter of thousands in Israel… I could go on, but if you have been living here in the US you already know, because we have all been forced to bear witness to the atrocities committed by the Obama/Biden regime. (Biden is really just a useful idiot who doesn’t have a clue how hugely he is being manipulated. As soon as this useless puppet becomes a liability he will be gone). Now I know exactly what “TRUST THE PLAN” means. God Bless America and her Brilliant Patriots! 🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸

  • Is this excerpt from the original video interview from 2020/21?

  • 3 years later, and none of this came to fruition...why is this being posted NOW, like it's current?

  • November 5th 2020 and nothing every happened.. All a Psyop to keep because in their Computer Chair .

  • This could've been stopped...#FREEOWEN 🙏🏻

  • Come quickly, Lady Justice! WWG1WGA