There is no definative avatar for what your transition looks like

7 months ago

The establishment sets the criteria for what we call the education of the great unwashed. For their purposes, we're programmed from our earliest instance. We fully adopt the programming designated by the establishment, one because we believe it to be an education and two, because we're in theta state when the indoctrination begins.

Even when presented with the information that the 1% were privy to in the beginning, most of us can't adapt because we're too far gone and for this reason, those with self preservation must draw a line in the sand.

SigmaCarta is a lifestyle system for a community of melanated men, who desire to personally, spiritually and entrepreneurially develop by taking radical self accountability. As a community iron sharpens iron and we will re-establish pardnors, investment clubs, institutions and begin to form and incubate corporate businesses with boards formed from our masterminds.

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