A House Divided

11 months ago

Civil War…Round 2?
Liberal Americans vs. Conservative Americans settling their scores at the business ends of gun barrels?
Could this untimely end be coming to America?
That prospect must keep legal expert Jonathan Turley up at night. Writing an opinion piece about our current political divide for Fox News online, Turley claimed “the single greatest threat to America is hiding in plain sight.”
He believes Americans have lost faith in each other and in the Constitution, and he quotes statistics. A recent poll by the University of Virginia Center for Politics revealed that 52 percent of Biden supporters believe Republicans are a threat to the American way of life. Nearly as many Republicans, 47 percent, said the same thing about Democrats.
Worse still, 41 percent of Democrats agreed that violence is justified to keep Trump supporters from achieving their goals. And 38 percent of MAGA Republicans found violence to stop Democrats permissible.
In the past, American institutions like the Constitution and our Supreme Court have protected every citizen from the fickle affections of mob rule. Now, even those underpinnings are rotting away. The UVA poll claims 31 percent of Trump backers would consider changing our form of government with 24 percent of Democrats in agreement
A newspaper headline read, “A House Divided Against itself Cannot Stand.” The year was 1858. And less than two years later, Abraham Lincoln’s prophetic warning came true with the Confederate states’ rebel army firing its first shots upon Fort Sumter, South Carolina. They set off a bloody conflict which took the lives of hundreds of thousands of American soldiers wearing both blue and gray.
Unless we follow the instructions of the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ, and learn to forgive our enemies,


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