6Nov23 What YOU Can Do to Break the Cycle of Hate & War. We're NOT Helpless

1 year ago

Only in the federal budget is growing Amtrak subsidy by 250% or growing the IRS by 500% considered a "cut".  Both Biden and Speaker Johnson play that game

Just as like political partisanship, but MUCH stronger, the Hegelian pressure of choosing sides is pushing us toward war. 
• Breaking the illusion of hero leaders
• For the last 3 years they've been killing and attempting to kill their own people.  Now they want you to kill people in other countries. Netanyahu experimented on more Jews than Joseph Mengele and bragged about it to his WEF masters
• Glenn Beck begs to become an Israeli
• Ben Shapiro, vaccine and mandate cheerleader, says he doesn't believe miracles of the Bible, e.g. dividing the Red Sea during the Exodus — so where is his justification that God gave the land to Abraham?

Christians can, and must, demand an end to the killing.  But we have far more power than we're using
Bloomberg is spending HALF A BILLION to end all coal.  Can you imagine how much he stands to profit from his massive investments in "alternatives"?

Payment System Disrupted, Bank Closes, De-Banking Increases Chaos of their own making to take the financial system down and remake it

If the "Great Poisoning" were not enough, now "euthanasia" is rapidly escalating in Canada and elsewhere.  Already 1 in 25 deaths in Canada
People pose as "underwater statues" to spread climate alarmism.  New lows in idiocracy
The future will not be (Johnny) Cash-less as musician has AI sing Taylor Swift songs in Cash's voice
2024 Presidential Race - 'V' for Victimhood, Vengeance, Violence Setting the stage for a civil war
Musk is NOT Conservative, But He's Correct That Left is About Depopulation Obama makes it clear that he's a die-hard communist who hates free markets.  Elon Musk has NOT switched from leftist environmentalism to conservatism.  You need to add transhumanism to your political spectrum, but where does it fit?

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