Free Palestine Protest At Norwich Hall

6 months ago

On Sunday 5th of November, I went in another attempt to record a protest at Norwich City Hall, this time a demonstration surrounding the Israel-Palestine conflict, of which I have refused to take a stand to either 'side' due to my lack of knowledge on the subject.
Some protesters, such as Anti-Fascists among the crowd, started to block my camera and filming, and even obstructed other journalists, even those who are in support of the protest. One AntiFa supporter/member, who we refer to as 'Seethe' (refer to Correct Not Political's Norwich Drag Queen Story Hour video from August '22), barged into me after I had mentioned many times not to, and refused to apologise, since I "support genocide."

Despite most having an unwelcoming presence (as usual), some protesters came to me to tell me that they don't hate me, and that they respect my opinions, with some even pulling me in for a hug! Some have also written to me directly to apologise for how I was treated, that they were given an opinionated view of me, and that, after looking through my account, they believe we could get along well.

All-in-all, it was a fun Sunday.

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