Live Streaming CrazyJim, Super Broken Senna Build vs People losing on purpose. WOO! 1-2

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Gaming League of Legends #Aatrox #Ahri #Akali #Alistar #Amumu #Anivia #Annie #Aphelios #Ashe #AurelionSol #Azir #Bard #Blitzcrank #Brand #Braum #Caitlyn #Camille #Cassiopeia #ChoGath #Corki #Darius #Diana #Mundo #Draven #Ekko #Elise #Evelynn #Ezreal #Fiddlesticks #Fiora #Fizz #Galio #Gangplank #Garen #Gnar #Gragas #Graves #Hecarim #Heimerdinger #Illaoi #Irelia #Ivern #Janna #Jarvan #Jax #Jayce #Jhin #Jinx #KaiSa #Kalista #Karma #Karthus #Kassadin #Katarina #Kayle #Kayn #Kennen #KhaZix #Kindred #Kled #KogMaw #LeBlanc #LeeSin #Leona #Lillia #Lissandra #Lucian #Lulu #Lux #Malphite #Malzahar #Maokai #MasterYi #Miss Fortune #Mordekaiser #Morgana #Nami #Nasus #Nautilus #Neeko #Nidalee #Nocturne #Nunu and Willump #Olaf #Orianna #Ornn #Pantheon #Poppy #Pyke #Qiyana #Quinn #Rakan #Rammus #RekSai #Rell #Renekton #Rengar #Riven #Rumble #Ryze #Samira #Sejuani #Senna #Seraphine #Sett #Shaco #Shen #Shyvana #Singed #Sion #Sivir #Skarner #Sona #Soraka #Swain #Sylas #Syndra #Tahm Kench #Taliyah #Talon #Pyke #Qiyana #Quinn #Rakan #Rammus #Reksai #Rell #Renekton #Rengar #Riven #Rumble #Ryze #Samira #Sejuani #Senna #Seraphine #Sett #Shaco #Shen #Shyvana #Singed #Sion #Sivir #Skarner #Sona #Soraka #Swain #Sylas #Syndra #Tahm Kench #Taliyah #Talon #Taric #Teemo #Thresh #Tristana #Trundle #Tryndamere #Twisted Fate #Twitch #Udyr #Urgot #Varus #Vayne #Veigar #Vel'Koz #Vi #Viktor #Vladimir #Volibear #Warwick #Wukong #Xayah #Xerath #Xin Zhao #Yasuo #Yone #Yorick #Yuumi #Zac #Zed #Ziggs #Zilean #Zoe #Zyra #STEAM #AI #dalle #COD #starcitizen #ai #nasa #pubg #NoMansSky #pc #nintendo #ps5 #ps4 #aiart #art #amongus #rust #mmo #amongus #nft #fantasy #RPG #video #space #starwars #eve #fortnite #startrek #minecraft #xbox #vr #ar #valve #elite #STEAM #AI #dalle #COD #starcitizen #ai #nasa #pubg #NoMansSky #pc #nintendo #ps5 #ps4 #aiart #art #amongus #rust #mmo #amongus #nft #fantasy #RPG #4 #space #starwars #eve #fortnite #startrek #minecraft #xbox #vr #ar #valve #elite

1 okay team 2 teams hard losing in last three.

We file winning teams/draws and slightly losing under one

Banned on Twitch for standing for peaceful protestors Hong Kong and Women's Rights.

#1 Senna NA mastery

Made all 3 pro builds.

Also #1 world Starcraft all races, Warcraft3 all races, Diablo2 HC 3 characters, C&C3, SC2 2v2. Proof:

Many say the GOAT. And I know the Spirit of Jesus is real. Love's the way. Be good and loving to all. Proof of God:

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