Dr Tess Lawrie - A Call for Action to End the Modern Day Slavery of Human Trafficking

1 year ago

Dr Tess Lawrie has been with us before to discuss the great work of World Council for Health.
One of their latest briefing papers caught our eye. Human Trafficking: A Call to Action: Ending Modern-Day Slavery.
This is a harrowing subject that many "human rights" organisations don't speak of and our media are strongly quiet, yet it remains the 2nd most lucrative criminal activity after illegal drugs.
In this interview Tess gives us some of the facts and examples of the scale and the human damage and after listening please read the short report and see which of the action points you can be a part of.

WCH Policy Brief and Call for Action on Human Traffickinghttps://worldcouncilforhealth.org/news/statements/human-trafficking-policy-brief/

Dr Tess Lawrie is a world-class researcher and has been a consultant to the World Health Organization.
Her biggest clients happen to be those who are involved in the suppression of repurposed drugs and her highly acclaimed peer-reviewed Ivermectin Review is nearing the most acclaimed of all time.
(Among the Wolters Kluwer ranking algorithm called Altimetric, her paper has been ranked #8 out of some 18 million publications.)
Dr Lawrie is the Director of EbMCsquared CiC, a community interest health and research company.
In the course of her work as a research consultant, she has been a frequent member of technical teams responsible for developing international guidelines and her peer-reviewed publications have received over 5000 citations.
Dr Lawrie is the founder of BiRD International, (British Ivermectin Recommendation Development International initiative) and is a co-founder and steering group member of the World Council for Health.
Her vision is of a healthier world in which science and learned wisdom are brought together to empower people to take responsibility for their own health, strongly believing that what defines us as human beings is our capacity, desire, and freedom to choose.

Follow and support Dr Lawrie at.....
SUBSTACK: https://drtesslawrie.substack.com/
X: https://twitter.com/lawrie_dr?s=20&t=-mx9hbCWxt-DQfYutomHkw

World Council for Health
WEB: https://worldcouncilforhealth.org/

The Great FreeSethttps://thegreatfreeset.org/

Interview recorded 25.10.23

Audio Podcast version available on Podbean and all major podcast directories...

Transcript available on our Substack...https://heartsofoak.substack.com/

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