Don't be fooled this is not real parenting

7 months ago

Lynne M Taylor joins Pastor Greg to discuss the newest effort to fool parents into believing the system is trying to restore their rights. In reality they are trying to further enslave the family by usurping all authority from parents both directly and indirectly

1) The Webinar renaming parents as 'informed education agents':
(start at the beginning, the main portion of the presentation is over by about half way through)
2) My archives on the parental grabs by the government, especially via the Every Student
Succeeds Act:
"Family Ambassadors"
"FERPA's gutted parental consent"
"In home assessments and wrap around services embedded in ESSA"

3) Related, Alex Newman's latest on the state of parenthood:

4) Related to Alex's article is this 'study' from the NIH (Nat'l Institutes for Health at the US
Dept of Health and Human Services). In it, the International Child Convention of 1989 is cited (Not as a single source, but the main one). ICC is where the Declaration of Child's Rights by the UN came from!

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