The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 307 - War Report!

10 months ago

In this video i’m going to REPORT on where we’re at currently with the progress of world events surrounding the Fake virus and pandemic, which continues to roll on even though we’ve been told that it’s over. This is an UPDATE; an addendum to Video No.284 titled “False Alarm?” which i posted about 6 months ago. If you haven’t watched that then please do so.

Masking, testing and injecting have never stopped in many places worldwide. If you are still relying on your TV for truth in the NEWS then i don’t know what to say. It means essentially that you are continually being deceived. The MSM continues to show LIFE as “Normal” even while it shows the rise in CHAOS everywhere. What’s happening? I’ll tell you. CHAOS is being NORMALIZED in front of our eyes day by day. We are being CONDITIONED to the reality that we live in a TURBULENT and UNPREDICTABLE world even while LIFE is reported as being back to “NORMAL.” This is a Military Strategy from “Art of War.” Violence and disaster (The Enemy) are made to look FAR AWAY when in fact they are VERY NEAR - even in our own neighbourhood. We’re being conditioned to NOT SEE IT and certainly NOT TO PAY ANY ATTENTION TO IT! We are in fact like “Frogs Boiling In A Pot.”

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How To Get Born Again and Become A Child of God!

Following Jesus Christ & Counting the Cost!

The Holy Spirit

The Roman Catholic “Mark Of The Beast”

The Jesuit Vatican New Age Deception

The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire Video Series - Twelve Pages - 320 Videos

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