We are Not One Size Fits All

10 months ago

I set back and watch the way that people always have a one size fits all approach to taking care of any situation in another's life... Always going by some sort of a religious text book approach to the situation... There is a religious preconceived expectation of how a person should immediately make all the perfect changes in their actions and looks when becoming a believer in Jesus and when these changes do not immediately transpire, the first action on their part is a false judgement that the new believing person is not saved... Sure there is a change that comes over a person when they accept Jesus's gift of redemption, but that change takes place inside the person before it ever takes place on the outside... Believe me this "you can't judge me" mentality today is taken way out of context, while on the other hand it is also used in an unrighteous way by the religious... Yes we are to judge other believers based upon their fruits which is their external behaviors but we do not have the ability to always judge the spirit inside of them... Only God knows the true spiritual condition of the person, we can most usually only see the outward appearance of them... This is especially true of new believers who are beginning their walk with Christ Jesus...

Then we also have the well rehearsed religious who always have an answer for someones hindrance in their walk with the Holy Spirit... Always a text book answer... Just push through and pray... You have open demonic doorways... Read your Bible more... Etc with more textbook answers that in their thinking is one size fits all answers to every need of deliverance in a person's life... I see everyday where people use no spiritual discernment to help someone through a situation but instead always use their religious text book answer which more often than not allow more spirits of confusion and chaos into the suffering persons life... Just a simple reading in the Gospels of Jesus and even inside the Epistles of the Apostles we can see where deliverance from torment and hindrances are not one size fits all...

In Deliverance it is not all about casting out a demon or a demon still lurking around that needs to be cast out... Sometimes it may be a stubborn or hiding demon still lurking needing to be cast out, or it could very be a curse from generations handed down or a curse from witchcraft against the person, or it could be strongholds that need be demolished, or it could also very well be fleshly desires that have not been crucified...

Today I am talking about Three of possibly other reason we face hindrances at times in drifting away and not drawing closer to Jesus... Our Own Flesh, Demons of Hindrances and Powers or Principalities...

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