Super Pacman Bros - 3Drennn's Edition

1 year ago

Pacman and Pacman Jr. are walking through the city when they come across a strange sight. There are Super Mario block bricks and mystery blocks everywhere, and gold coins are scattered all over the ground.

Pacman and Pacman Jr. are curious, so they start to explore. They quickly realize that this is no ordinary city. This is the City of Gold, and it's filled with all sorts of treasures.

Pacman and Pacman Jr. have a lot of fun exploring the City of Gold. They eat all the power pellets, collect all the gold coins, and defeat all the ghosts.

In the end, Pacman and Pacman Jr. are rich beyond their wildest dreams. They have all the gold they could ever want, and they've had a lot of fun along the way.

#pacman #supermario #shorts

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