Italian Islands First to Fall as Invasion Begins - 1943

7 months ago

Part 1, allied planes bomb Pantelleria Island. Part 2, Gens. de Gaulle and Giraud inspect French troops in North Africa. Giraud decorates Gen. Eisenhower. Part 3, U.S. farmers sow potatoes. Part 4, Hindus gather for a religious ceremony in India. Part 5, shows work on the "Big Inch" pipe line. Part 6, Greece receives a lend-lease destroyer in Washington, D.C. Shows President Roosevelt. Part 7 shows the world's largest synthetic rubber plant in the U.S. Part 8, Madame Chiang Kai-shek reviews WAVES, SPARS, and women Marines. Part 9, Argentine President Castillo is overthrown by revolution in Buenos Aires.

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