Sep 26, 2016 ❤️ Daily Repentance and Forgiveness, Impatience and a Savings Account in Heaven

7 months ago

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Daily Repentance and Forgiveness, Impatience & A Savings Account in Heaven

September 26, 2016 – Words from Jesus to Sister Clare

Clare began… Lord, would You please tell me what is going on? War, rumor of war, comets and everything else. And I thought, ‘Have I missed the boat?’ And so I asked Him, Lord, please tell me what’s going on?

Jesus answered… “Nothing. Plans, but no actions. A lot of talk, a lot of divisive things, but nothing I can’t handle.”

(Clare) And I thought, ‘Well, that’s wonderful. That’s right in line with what You told me before.’ So, each day is a new adventure in making Him first.

(Jesus) “I am never, ever going to let you go, Clare.” He opened His heart like the fold of a garment and beckoned me to come inside.

“And this is where you belong forever, and ever, and ever. I will never abandon you. I may convict you, even as you have begged with tears for Me to do so. But leave you out in the cold or forget about you? NEVER! So, put your fears to rest…I will never let go of your love. You are secure here in My heart, forever. No matter what. So, stop crying and let’s move on.”

“You are secure here, you are My Beloved, forever. Never mind that you feel so unworthy. I delight in the impoverished little ones that have so little to offer Me. They are My delight. They are so empty I have no choice but to fill them with Myself and lavish on them the graces they so desperately need.”

“And yes, in the Body, there is a great move of repentance going on. There is such power in repentance. So much grace is released. You lose track of how sinful you really are, My People. You go from day to day, not recognizing how you have hurt and offended Me. I long to bring this to your awareness now, because it will not go well for you in those final moments if you have not come to Me daily, truly repenting and seeing yourself as you are.”

“Humility. I am working with all My children to acquire true humility. There is so much I can do with a truly humble soul that I cannot do with one who is proud. There are so many tests and strengthening going on right now as I bring a new crop of ministers into their ministry. As I open the doors of My anointing, I must first bring them through trials of humility and meekness. No untried vessel can carry the anointing. And the more intense the anointing, the more intense the humbling must be.”

“I tell you that unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never enter the Kingdom of Heaven.” (Matthew 5:20)

“There is nothing like heart-felt and searing repentance that draws Me to a soul. More than iron to a magnet, I come rushing to your aid with My forgiveness and mercy. You will never, ever wear out My mercy.”

As it is written in the Scriptures… The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit. A heart broken and crushed, O God, these You do not despise. (Psalm 51:17)

“I never tire of hearing your confession of sin and weakness, that I may wash you white as snow.”

“Nothing in this world causes a Christian to stand stronger than repentance. Yes, love is the highest of all, but repentance is based on love, the very best kind of love… The Love of God. Love of Brother easily comes next in line once your hearts are right with Me. You can never go wrong with daily repentance that is authentic and not superficial. Why? Because today might be your very last and you will be well prepared. Remember also to call to mind the offenses of others towards you and forgive them. This is the key to obtaining forgiveness from Me.”

“Far too often, the very things you accuse your brother of are not valid. Rather, your impatience is the real sin.”

(Clare) When the Lord said that, it really struck me. I had to get up to find the right glasses for reading when I was typing His message. I went to look in the back room and ended up petting my animals as they looked up at me. That took a couple of minutes. Then I went in the sunroom to look for them. When I came back, I finally discovered that my glasses were here to the left of my computer the entire time.

(Jesus) “Why did you get up?”

(Clare) To get my glasses. Which I see now were here all the time.

(Jesus) “And now that I have had patience with you, do you think you can have more patience with your Brother?”

(Clare) Yes, Lord, I see your point. I am very impatient.

(Jesus) “That comes with being fast, but not everyone is fast. For those who are, I must teach them humility and patience, if they will have it.”

(Clare) I see now, Lord, I get very impatient, several times a day!

(Jesus) “You do. And that is a far worse sin than the simple shortcoming of being slow, which many cannot help.”

(Clare) I get it, Lord. I really do.

(Jesus) “I know you do, Clare. Just keep it in the forefront of your mind so that you can tame that critical and judgmental spirit, which is your downfall.”

(Clare) Really, it’s that big?

(Jesus) “It is. I want you to conquer your pride; this is a good place to begin. Others are not slow, Clare. You are impatient. And I say this to all of you, My Brides. More often than not, what you consider slow is normal and you are just impatient. Patience is such a heavenly virtue. If I did not have patience with you Heaven would just about be empty.”

(Clare) I know I wouldn’t be there!

(Jesus) “I never say these things to shame you, but rather to convict you and encourage you onto greater holiness. And now is the time to repent for your country as well. I still carry the marks of her sins in My Body. The sins of this nation are very much like the sins of its citizens. In fact, the whole world is sin-infested and needs your prayers and supplications for repentance.”

“Men make plans for war; I am making plans for peace. I am standing in the gap against those who wish to destroy the whole world and I am standing there armed with your prayers, and sacrifices. And repentance. I need MORE, My People, I need more. Your resolve is weakening and the atmosphere is growing darker and darker. In order to hold back the march of destruction, death and unspeakable horrors, I need MORE.”

“You were told three years from the summer of 2016 would be another review, IF prayers and sacrifices were made for the reformation of your country and the world. And you went about your lives with new works to begin, and you are asking yourselves… ‘Why so many trials? Why have they been allowed?’ These are offerings to Me to continue to hold back the inevitable. I still need these, that was part of the agreement. Have you forgotten?”

“So, now I want you to understand, sicknesses, accidents, loss, strife – all these things you normally suffer are being applied to this account to keep it open for three years. So, I am asking you to give these to Me with generosity of heart, not complaining and questioning why things have become so much harder. They are this way, because you are carrying the world on your backs.”

“You made an offering of yourself to Me, and I am receiving these with gratitude. But it would be so much easier for you, if you could offer them without complaining. When you complain, you invite a spirit of bitterness into your souls. When that takes root – it doesn’t take long – it spreads to every area of your life. You need to renounce this bitterness and ask Me to remove it from your hearts.”

(Clare) Lord, forgive me. I renounce this bitterness. Please remove it from my heart. And give us the grace of patience. And gratitude.

(Jesus) “Each day you open more and more doors and it becomes more difficult for you. When you could sweeten the waters by merely committing it all to the stability of the world. Let it go. Sanctify your sorrows by offering them for the world.”

“And in doing so, I will lift that ugly attitude from you and offer your sufferings to the Father for conversions.”

“If you follow these instructions, your life will become much easier and more pleasant, because you are putting these trials and inconveniences to work – just as surely as if you had opened a savings account in Heaven for the world. Not for saving money, but for saving souls.

“So please, go forward now, embracing your crosses, knowing that I am allowing them to hold back the powers of darkness which are almost bursting at the seams wanting to take over and destroy everything. Be generous with Me, My Children. Be oh so generous, that I may be merciful to you and the whole world.”

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