7 months ago

This video shows the Dominion ballot adjudication process and demonstrates how a high adjudication rate opens the door to outcome-altering election fraud.

Adjudication is an override function that allows election administrators to decide a voters intent.

It is meant for a marginal number of ballots, but during the 2020 election, hundreds of thousands of ballots were adjudicated across the country.

Over 235,000 ballots were adjudicated in Maricopa County. Over 133,000 in Fulton County. Over 80,000 in Gwinnett County.

Provisional ballots were adjudicated.

When auditors inspected the machines in Antrim County, they discovered a 68% error rate sending scanned ballots to adjudication.

The ballots were printed to be adjudicated, the scanners were calibrated to be adjudicated, the election was designed to be adjudicated.

Because in 2020, the American people did not decide the POTUS, the adjudication process decided the POTUS.

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