7 Craziest ’My Strange Addiction’ Episodes

6 years ago

Reality TV Series, My Strange Addiction, have shown us that a lot of quirky habits people indulge in behind closed doors. In this video, we look at 6 people with the strangest addictions of them all.

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7 Craziest ’My Strange Addiction’ Episodes
Video ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bh5_mUaX8ew
Article ► http://thestrangelist.com/lists/7-strangest-addictions/
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Entry Markers
7 ► 00:10 ● Cassie - Addicted To Eating Husband’s Ashes
6 ► 00:45 ● Riley - Addicted To Being An Adult Baby
5 ► 01:15 ● Teresa - Addicted To Eating Rocks
4 ► 01:43 ● Bertha - Addicted To Nail Polish
3 ► 02:11 ● Davecat - Addicted To His ‘Real Doll’
2 ► 02:42 ● Adele - Addicted To Eating Couches
1 ► 03:13 ● Nathaniel - Addicted To Having Sex With His Car

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