This is too much... | Doki Doki Literature Club - Episode 4

6 years ago

Welcome back to Doki Doki Literature if you remember my message in the beginning of the first video of this series, where I voiced over the screen for a little while, now you'll hopefully start to understand what I was talking about, with the warnings on the game and all. I'm sorry I got so weird with my reactions to some of the things in this Let's Play. I don't like nor plan to get into the issues at play here, but this game...I don't know how to explain it. It's really stupid that it's kind of affected me the way it has. It's just a stupid game. To most people, you probably just see me as way over reacting to something really silly. I don't know how to talk about this but I just want to say that sometimes there's certain things that bring up certain, thoughts and...I don't know. All i'm saying is, I wasn't acting so weird about this just because the game itself had the power to affect me that way. There were just a few things that hit a little too close to home. I'm sure that if you're like most people, you'll find that this game is not nearly as impacting as it kind of has been to me. Anyway, here's your let's play, bitch.

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