1 year ago

If you are reading this, you are in serious trouble.

The world is a competition, the most competent gets the most money.

But up until this point,

You were only ever competing against other humans,

you only had to be better than the average guy to live above average.

That's all changing.

AI is becoming a benchmark.

If you're not as competent as AI, you're useless.

You can't just be better than the other lazy losers of the world.

If you want to be rich, you need to be BRILLIANT now.

The wealth gap is going to widen to levels you can’t even imagine.

You'll notice, every hyper-competitive company has incorporated AI already.

I fired 25% of my workforce and replaced them with free computer programs.

In the next 5 years, 75% more will likely be fired.

Me? I’ll always be at the top. I’ll be richer than ever before.

Every one of you with a business, if you aren't ALREADY using AI, you're behind.

Every one of you in school, if you aren't learning how to apply AI to real-world problems, you're behind.

Every one of you with a job, if you aren't being taught by your employer how to apply AI, you're the one they're preparing to FIRE.

The future of competition is deeply linked to AI use.

We've been teaching AI in every single modern money-making method inside Hustler's University for over 5 months now.

If you aren't panicking, you just don't get it yet.

The world is splitting into two.

AI users.

And useless humans.



If you want to be worth anything in the future, you need to stay ahead.

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