And just like that I awoke from sleepwalking

7 months ago

Trust the plan they said, follow the money they said, You can't tell people, you have to show them they said Where we go one we go all they said. Yet after showing the receipts for where the money went, I'm left standing here alone Truth Logic> I guess everyone in North America just aren't very creative anymore. It's either that or they secretly want things to fail. We could end every bit of this within a matter of days without violence, protests, convoys, or any other activity that could be labeled as being anything other than what it is. If everyone who is just plain worn out, stressed out, or just needs a break to relax and unwind, were to plan a 2-week vacation to take their family sightseeing in their nation's capital and went there and just looked around like tourists do, taking pictures of everything and asking for directions , all at the same time they could force the hand of the media by not giving them the words like convoy, or protest to spin into domestic terrorism. Just go on vacation. It's really that simple.

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