AT&SF 5000 and UP 4014 - Comparing the Madame Queen and Big Boy

1 year ago

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Union Pacific 4-8-8-4 Steam Locomotive 4014, known as “Big Boy” is the largest and most powerful steam locomotive operating on the rails today. With an advertised tractive effort rating of 135, 375 pounds, there is no argument that it has the most tractive effort.

AT&SF 2-10-4 Steam Locomotive 5000, Known as “Madame Queen” is the mother of largest and most powerful 2-cylinder steam locomotives ever built. With an advertised tractive effort rating of 93,000 pounds, most people doubt that she is a powerful as the “Big Boy”.

Sam D. Teague, author of “The Madame Queen”, the only book covering the complete history of 5000, has done exhaustive research on which locomotive is the most powerful. He also assumed, that “Big Boy” was far ahead of Madame Queen in tonnage hauling ability.

Having access to large amounts of technical data and Dynamometer test results of 5000 and 4014, his research produced some startling results. This video provides Sam’s research path and test data that shows Big Boy has some very stiff competition.

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