[Sanity Check] File #19: Requiem of Flesh & Blood

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October was packed in case of Weird Horror and Real-Life Weapons-Grade Stupidity! I will spoil all the disturbing horror I don't recommend, but also won't spoil the stuff I recommend because I love you guys! Meanwhile in the Clown Domain Section, A CRAZY Halloween Section including decorations that went HARD, Someone apologizes for Meming, Said Meme blew up unexpectedly from Ui-sensei, A Town Loses it's namesake, Jailed for Looking Sus, a Train Arrangement Backfires, Simp of The Year, The Cereal Bathwater meets it's match and MORE!
Article Titles/Events (Because YT Hates Certain Links)
Coming SOON!

Artist Credit for the Buzzer goes to KevinX!
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Follow these, and the orderlies will leave you alone. Note that this channel is on the mature side and is not for the young or weak of heart.

1. Don't act insane. (That's MY Job to a point. This is also the Mind the TOS Rule.)
2. Don't act like a baby or a prude. (Both are WORSE than insane.)
3. Don't actually BE a baby. All participants in chat must be 18+. Implying you are underage, even as a joke, WILL get you banned!
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5. No backseating or spoilers unless I ask first.
6. Fun is allowed! Also, English Only for Moderation Purposes.

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