From a fellow Anon & well said (Check Description)

8 months ago

We are going through a transformational season the likes of which we have never experienced before in our lives.

The world is changing and it is changing very fast. The question is- is it changing for the better or worse?

At first glance, it appears as if darkness is surrounding us and there is no hope; all is lost.

But I urge you to take another look; not with your eyes, but with your faith.

When I see all this darkness, I say GOOD! BRING IT ON!


Because in darkness faith grows.

In darkness, we pay attention to the most granular of details.

In darkness, we listen for things we never thought to listen to before.

In darkness, we seek out the light.

In darkness, we discover our will, our strength, our courage, our fortitude, our limits, our love, our light— we find our faith.

We discover God is more real than you could ever imagine and he placed himself in your heart to guide you though anything you will ever face.

This is but a Season of darkness, a “PAUSE” that we simply must go through.

But No matter the darkness that surrounds us, no matter how great, no matter how powerful, it can never penetrate the threshold of where your light ends.

Your faith determines how close that darkness comes to you and those you love. You can be a literal shield for them right now too with your light, your faith.

God CHOSE YOU for exactly right now, this Biblical moment in time because he knows your heart…

God knows your heart inside and out. Isn’t that a wonderful thing?

Can you not feel it in your heart?
Does it not give you chills?

Allow yourself to be vulnerable to your faith. Allow yourself to feel Gods victory over this great evil.

Have faith…
Stand unshaken on an unshakeable rock of faith.

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