It's November 4, my birthday! To celebrate, I started the morning with an 18 k barefoot run

7 months ago

It's November 4, my birthday!!!! Yay!!! To celebrate, I started the morning with an 18 km barefoot run, at 5 degrees Celsius, at sunrise. Birthdays are a special time when I reflect on what a wonderful gift life is. For my 50th birthday, I offered myself a first water fast, which led to a 20-day water fast. For my 55th birthday, I went to India to clown for childrens in hospitals and orphanages, and since then I've traveled with Patch Adams to Guatemala, Peru and Russia. For my 57th birthday, I went on a 10-day Vipassana silent meditation retreat, then for my 58th birthday, I became the lead singer of a Rolling Stones cover band. Finally, at 60, I plunged in my first ice bath and started running, something I'd never done before. I discovered barefoot running and became Montreal's Snowrunner, running shirtless in the snow at -15 celsius. You never know what life has in store for you! Dare to be yourself and follow your dreams, who knows where they'll take you. I believe in you! With love xxx ❤❤❤❤, and Happy 64th Birthday to me! 🥰 Guy Giard

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