Tyranny’s Happening right Now before our Eyes – The Coup is on – Our Politicians are Corrupt Cowards

1 year ago

America is being DESTROYED right now, this very second November 2023! Tyranny is happening right now.

Why is truth telling being censored and punished?

Why are they allowing our MILLIONS to cross the border and REWARDING them with taxpayer funds?

They are trying to remove Trump from running for president. Not that I think Trump is the Savior of the world, as even if Trump was truly for the people, he has very little shot because the politicians are either paid off or they have no fucking spine and are cowards. I personally believe Trump is just caught in the middle of an invisible, silent war that has been going on for 60 years. He has no support either way. The republican party is just another arm of the corrupt idiotic demtards. They all are gutless corporate shoe shiners.

We are now a Nation in which we cannot say what we want. Is that the land of the free and the brave? NO!!!

They are now putting PEACEFUL Protestors in Prison. So, we the people really have no Voice. Our voice has been quelled.

The states are so infiltrated with dirt scumbag politicians right now, it's one huge ass mess. Once one of these corrupt traitors are put in prison for life, I think this could change everything. Do you think that they will stop with the threat of being put in jail? No, they believe they own the courts and they believe they have all the power and control over the people.

We have gone from land of the free in the 70's, 80's and part of the 90's to dictatorship in the 2020's.

Why are we sending money to countries that want the people of American DEAD? What fucking cowards we have for politicians. They are not leaders, they are followers.

FBI, CIA, FDA, NIH and CDC are AGAINST the people.

Christ, the Covid Shots were planned by our own Government Agencies, so our Federal Government wants us gone in the name of being owned by Banking elite, Klaus Schwab and that old gay fucker Henry Kissinger.

You have these mysterious companies and corporations buying investment properties and land all through the United States. Is this is even addressed or acknowledged? We are under full attack from within right now.

Where is our military? Oh, yeah, they were busy with Project Warp Speed as the head fuckers there are traitors also. It's all a facade to maintain the illusion that our military is to protect us the people. It's sad because the military is filled with great men and women who are under the corrupt orders of traitors to the USA.

There is not one single politician that can save America. We the People are the ONLY ones who can salvage what is left of America.

Video Source: Cramer -- https://www.instagram.com/p/CzNV6FyNDUI/

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