Dr Bruce Lipton - How we have control of our genes - Lifestyle causes diseases - not Genes

1 year ago

Dr Bruce Lipton - How we have control of our genes - Lifestyle causes diseases - not Genes. The body is a vehicle, "The first thing is to be aware that your thoughts and your beliefs & how you interact with the world are actually affecting your genetic expression." It's the mind body connection that dictates the state of our health. When you have a thought in your mind, the brain releases chemicals to match your thought. Your body is responding to the chemicals released by your brain. 90% of the reason documented that people go to the doctor is now due to stress. And stress is like driving your car with one foot on the brake and one foot on the Accelerator (the gas). You're going to break something. The biggest issue is to change our thinking. The conscious mind is the seat of the spirit; the creative part of us. The subconscious mind is 90% of the brain which runs on habit. Science has now revealed we are only using the conscious mind 5% of the time. And 95% of our biology is coming from subconscious programming. And that programming came into our lives before we were 7 (1-7 the imprint period of a child). We adopt the same behaviours as our parents; therefore we mimic our parents. There is no such thing as hereditary dis-ease - there is only mimicry. We default to the behaviour we develop from our parents that we learnt before age 7. 95% of the time we don't see that we are sabotaging our behaviour.

We first become conscious, we observe the behaviour and when we observe and become aware of a behaviour, we can then change the behaviour.

"I can change it any time IF I become aware of it". Love changes everything. You stop operating from the program.

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