3 surprising facts about North Korea

7 months ago

Juche Ideology: North Korea follows a unique political ideology called Juche, which was developed by the country's first leader, Kim Il-sung. Juche promotes self-reliance and the belief that North Korea should be self-sufficient in all aspects of governance, economy, and defense. This ideology has played a significant role in shaping North Korean society and policies.

Mass Games: North Korea is known for its spectacular Mass Games, which are large-scale, highly choreographed performances that involve thousands of participants. These events feature synchronized gymnastics, card displays, and music to showcase the country's culture and achievements. The Mass Games have been used as a form of propaganda and are a unique spectacle not seen in many other places in the world.

Limited Internet Access: Access to the internet in North Korea is tightly controlled and is primarily restricted to a select few individuals and institutions. Most North Koreans do not have access to the global internet but instead use a domestic intranet known as Kwangmyong, which provides access to a limited set of state-approved websites. Foreign visitors to North Korea are also subject to strict internet restrictions, with no access to global social media or independent news websites.

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