This Saint News 11/5/2023

8 months ago

Stay up on game! Real news. Real sources. It’s the stuff they really don’t want you to see.
Peace and good fortune to you all!

If you would like to buy me a cup of coffee

This week: We got us a news buffet today! We’ll be starting with our out-of-control border situation. The WEF is still pushing their agenda; I will show you what they’re up to now. Then we’ll cover media bias and we’re gonna cover mind control. I got your headlines all lined up and waiting for you, followed by a few more top stories. As if that wasn’t enough, I included a tech segment I couldn’t fit into the show last week. And of course, as usual, we’ll wrap with the fun stuff.

Pure Body Extra*

The Public was Never Told about This Hidden Technology

Silent subliminal presentation system

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