9-Week-Old Pack Of Newfie Puppies Tirelessly Chase A Tiny Dachshund

6 years ago

Watch as this pack of 9-week-old Newfie puppies put together their combined effort and speed to try and catch a speedy Dachshund. Unfortunately their numerous attempts are to no avail and fail to reach the fast dog. She outlasted all the puppies to win the contest!

This vigorous Dachshund is the true "Flash" among this pack of Newfie puppies who try to get him for a second, but he takes running very seriously and is always one step ahead. He does it effortlessly with such an ease making them run around chasing thin air.

The young Newfies are so clumsy and inert compared to the agile Dachshund who runs like a streak and flies before the eyes of the pack of black fluffy furs.

It is adorable to watch them try to pick up his pace, but by the time they reach one end of the yard, the fast, skilled runner is already waiting for them on the other side of the yard.

These dogs found a new adorable way to play tag, but this exhausting chase will make baby Newfies to lose some of their baby fat. The Dachshund is a "hot dog" among slow and chunky breeds.

One of the Newfies can be spotted laying on the gross, not even bothering to join the chase. He must be taking life nice and easy, and prefers taking some rest. The others will sure join him soon, because it is hard to keep up with the mighty runner.

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