Article Video - Unfortunately, This Can Happen - Wednesday, September 6, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

7 months ago

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Article Video - Unfortunately, This Can Happen - Wednesday, September 6, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

Any group misrepresenting itself as The Missouri Assembly and associating itself with Former Coordinator Daniel Auxier is not a member of the Federation of States and is not properly organized as a State Assembly, directly because of the failings of Dan Auxier.

Although Dan had many opportunities to learn his job and correct his mistakes, he ultimately chose to avoid those mistakes and the work to correct them by blaming others for his own laxity and failures as a Coordinator.

As a result The Missouri Assembly under his purported guidance was being run in a thoroughly improper manner.

The concerns leading to the dissolution of this version of Missouri Assembly included the following:

(1) Instances where paperwork submitted in good faith was not processed at all, only partially processed, processed incorrectly, and/or original documents submitted to Dan Auxier for recording were not returned;
(2) running The Missouri Assembly like a private club instead of a Public Government organization; cronyism was rife;
(3) more than $2000 that we know of was embezzled/misappropriated and Treasurer Reports were not forthcoming to the members and Dan actively resisted having a responsible Third Party audit to get things back on track.

All the above resulted in only eight members of The Missouri Assembly actually being papered up.

When this was discovered and the additional problems with the State Assembly treasury became self-evident the eight members that truly were papered up and legitimately standing on the land and soil held a meeting among themselves to address the situation.

Dan and his followers misrepresented their actions as a coup aimed against The Missouri Assembly, when in fact these eight people were the only ones who were actually members of The Missouri Assembly.

Dan had subverted the entire process first by failing to process paperwork so that people weren’t being recorded as members and then by allowing people who weren’t papered up to vote.

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