Evil: Professor Promotes Idea of Mass Movement in Favor of Child Prostitution

1 year ago

A Johns Hopkins University (JHU) professor has apparently advised a sex worker-activist to create a "mass movement" promoting the idea of children in the sex industry. This was based on the audio recorded by an undercover journalist during the Socialism 2023 conference.

Karlyn Borysenko, a psychologist and an independent reporter, attended the conference held in Chicago from Sept. 1 to Sept. 4. Socialists and activists from all over the country gathered in the conference for talks on topics such as Marxism and strategies for left-wing causes.

One of the panels titled "The Politics of Childhood" featured Jules Gill-Peterson, a male associate professor at JHU who identifies as female. Another speaker on the panel was Sophie Lewis, the author of the book "Full Surrogacy Now: Feminism Against Family."

Read More: https://discern.tv/evil-professor-promotes-idea-of-mass-movement-in-favor-of-child-prostitution/

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