Robert Welch Speech from 1974 - Accurately Predicted What is Happening Now in 2023 - Part 1 of 2

7 months ago

Robert Welch, the founder of the John Birch Society gave a speech in 1958 and years later, gave the same speech in 1974 which is the speech he's giving in this video. In that speech, he predicted everything that is happening right now in 2023.

If you believe that the Democrat party has gone completely insane, they haven't, they are just trying to finish off our nation to completely destroy it. This has been an ongoing criminal conspiracy for several decades and right now they are reaching their end goals. They are on the finish line to bring the entire world under the authoritarian and criminal rule of communism/fascism and to completely destroy the United States of America in doing so. He completely nails it, thoroughly predicting everything they are doing and have done for which none can argue now because these things have come to pass already.

There isn't a more important video for Americans to watch and understand at this moment in time. Not one.

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