Be Free (Visual Subliminal for effortless manifestation!)

8 months ago

Welcome to a new era of subliminal technology! Let's make this the great awakening instead of the great reset. Awake not woke.
There is a spiritual warfare going on between the forces of good and evil. And i'm on the front lines bringing you a treat from me to you :D
I hope you enjoy the affirmations are:

I can express myself in a positive way and others understand what I express at all times.
I emerge from my deepest self with a blessed expression of divinely inspired creativity.
I work when I want, where I want, and how I want, and I am paid well for my efforts.
I release all disempowering thoughts and beliefs and set my potential free.
My devout belief in unlimited potential gives me total freedom to succeed.
I feel total freedom when I realize how easy it is to relax and be myself.
Loving myself and others brings total freedom and potential into my life.
I grant myself total freedom to experience the joy and wonder of today.
I have a right to peace, privacy, joy, freedom, expression and growth.
I create total freedom in my life by releasing all emotional baggage.
I give myself permission to create unconditional freedom in my life.
My perpetual optimism gives me unrestricted freedom to enjoy life.
With every breath I take, I am bringing more freedom into my life.
I set myself free by retaining only the most empowering beliefs.
I have liberated myself from all negative thought patterns.
I make every act an act of love, freedom, mastery and hope.
In my own blessed work I express a remarkable originality.
It is totally safe for me to express my own true feelings.
Truthful expression is a healing and strengthening force.
I have the freedom and power to create the life I desire.
Life within me is constantly seeking greater expression.
I am totally free to make my own choices and decisions.
I am free to experience all the joy life has to offer.
I create the feeling of unlimited freedom in my life.
I allow myself to be more impulsive and spontaneous.
I go with the flow of abundance and set myself free.
Today I give myself the freedom to blossom and grow.
I give myself the freedom to be all that I can be.
I liberate my life from all disempowering beliefs.
I have the freedom to do as I choose with my time.
I become more spontaneous and playful every day.
I am creatively expressing my highest potential.
I have an immense feeling of freedom and peace.
My every action is an act of divine expression.
I am designing the joyful life I wish to lead.
I liberate my life by following a joyful path.
Today I bless my being with limitless freedom.
I easily express my feelings, I am expressive.
I choose to embody freedom in all that I do.
I am now free to do the things I love doing.
New realms of possibility gleam before me.
I am free to be and express myself openly.
I am finally free to do whatever I choose.
I am free to create the life that I want.
I enjoy total creative freedom in my job.
I have the freedom to choose my thoughts.
I am wonderfully expressive and dynamic.
I can express myself in a positive way.
I give myself the freedom to be myself.
My soul is eternal and my mind is free.
My future is what I choose it to be.
I feel free to do what I want to do.
I love the complete freedom I have.
I value my freedom above all else.
I invite new choices into my life.
By letting go, I set myself free.
I feel extremely liberated today.
Every day brings me more freedom.
I have found total freedom.
Wealth is pouring into my life.
I am unique, loved and free.
I am liberated and carefree.
I experience total freedom.
I am set free and forgiven.
I am totally free to be me.
I am happy with my life.
I am as free as a bird.
I am free to be myself.
I am financially free.
My life is liberating.
My life is carefree.
My living is free.
I am free of debt.
I am my own boss.
Audio yoietrax - looking at the stars.
Compiled by Teal.

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