The double standards and manipulation of Western leaders knows no boundaries:

7 months ago

Canadian premier Justin Trudeau labelled the military operation Russia is carrying in Ukraine a "genocide" only a few weeks after it's start.
- At the same time Trudeau struggles to mumble some words about a "humanitarian pause"and "levels of violence" regarding the massacres Israel is carrying in the Gaza strip.
- I remind you Israel has caused more civilian casualties in 30 days than both contestants of the Ukraine war in more than 500 days.
About the photo:
◾ Israel is using mercenaries ( hired through Israeli private security firm Global CST:
- Spanish Far Right Mercenary previously known fighting in Ukraine is now in Gaza in the ranks of the Ukrainian Army, but under a private contract for an Israeli PMC. Alex Diaz Flores was born in Alicante in 1996 to a military family. His uncle Jesús Reyes Lopez, for example, is an active-duty Army Aviation Corporal.
- Flores is a supporter of far-right ultra Catholic movements such as the Junta of the National Syndicalist Offensive (JONS) and an admirer of Francisco Franco.
▪️Flores followed in his family's footsteps in the Spanish army. Until 2022, he served with the rank of foreman (suboficial mayor) in the infantry regiment of the 5th airborne brigade in Zaragoza. Its military identification number is 51200127511F.
▪️In March 2022 went to Ukraine and signed a contract with the Ukrainian International Legion, where he was reportedly collecting Russian finger bones as souvenirs.
Follow the money!!!! Gaza is going thru Urban renewal...
"Program of land redevelopment in cities, often where there is urban decay"
Watch Pt1 and then watch Pt2.
💥💥💥 All you should know about the Israeli Ben Gurion Canal project... Pt1
💥💥💥 All you should know about the Israeli Ben Gurion Canal project... Pt2

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