Greg Anderson | Health Freedom: Brave Police Officer's Truth On COVID-19 | Wellness Force #Podcast

4 years ago

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Listen To Episode 350 As Greg Anderson Uncovers:

[1:30]  Americans' Rights To The First Amendment

-Greg's background in the military and being deployed to Afghanistan and Iraq before becoming a law enforcement officer.
-The mindset mentality he had to develop while being in the military and leaving the USA for combat abroad and coming to terms that it might be the last time he sees home.
-Why he joined the military gain some direction in life and set the bar high for himself by taking on challenging roles and experiences with the 75th Ranger Regiment.
-His spiritual journey over the last year and how it has drastically changed his life.
-The national disbelief from himself and other officers that the government is commanding them to forcibly shut down businesses and arrest people for things like going to church, surfing, or mailing product orders during COVID19.
-Why it's the duty of military and law enforcement officers to police their own if they're putting themselves and others at risk or behaving unethically.
-What inspired him to go create and post his viral video about his thoughts on how officers have been acting during COVID19.

[13:50] What Changes Need To Happen Now In Our Country

-Breaking down why it's not up to the government to impose these tyrannical orders on people under the guise of safety.
-The danger we're seeing in the USA of allowing one person to dictate how everybody else acts and how its impact could increase from one leader to the next if we just sit back and allow it to happen.
-Why he believes that the majority of bad press that police officers have been receiving for the last 10 years are blown out of proportion.
-His own experience seeing the gap of trust between police and citizens become wider over the years especially the moment he puts on his uniform.
-His next steps moving forward after being fired for sharing his thoughts via video online by continuing to do rallies, post videos, and share his message on other podcasts.
-How the news media continues to pin him and the governor of Washington, Jay Inslee, against each other on the topic of locking down during COVID19.
-Unpacking what people in power are most afraid of: People like Greg speaking out against mandatory rules that are actually hurting the country.

[23:30] How The COVID-19 Lockdown Is Benefiting the Government

-Breaking down what actually gives politicians any real power while sitting behind a desk.
-How politicians are setting up police officers to take the fall and be blamed when many are not even supporting the COVID19 lockdowns.
-The great amount of violence that can be caused if officers are continued to be told to shut down businesses and be given the command to enter anyone's home.
-Unpacking what Martial Law is and when it's been enforced in the past in extreme cases such as Pearl Harbor and why it shouldn't be used during COVID19.
-The incredible support he has received for speaking his truth and being terminated from his job for it.
-His plea to other people to avoid violence by coming together now and stand up for their rights.
-Explaining some of the many rights that people do have such as not allowing police officers to search their car if they haven't done anything wrong.

[37:00] Finding Comfort In The Discomfort

-Why he made the move to close down both his jiu-jitsu academy and CrossFit gym to protect his members from the coronavirus before the government made the official lockdown announcement.
-Looking closely at what was deemed essential by the government to stay open during the lockdown in Washington state: WA State Licensing (DOL), the lottery, construction sites contracted by the government (none private businesses), marijuana stores, liquor shops, and anything that pads the wallet of the government.
-What his friend, a physician in Queens New York with 200 COVID19 patients is saying compared to the mass media and they are not matching up.
-His statement to the world: Look at the facts and ask yourself, does this feel right? Does this feel right in your heart? What is your truth? Does this seem like the right thing to do?
-Why the government doesn't have to nor should be telling us what to do during COVID19; it's our right to make our own terms and decisions.
-How we can find and build on resilience in everyday life such as with exercise by learning to find comfort in discomfort.


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