Playbook known. 👀

7 months ago
About the photo:
Anyone who has paid attention to the UN over the last two years, knows EXACTLY what Russia have been demanding:
-Complete demilitarization and “denazification” of Ukraine
-UN Security Council investigation into US/Ukrainian bioweapons production
If Ukraine refuse to offer that at a minimum, Russia will just keep slaughtering the AFU down to the literal last man, and will accomplish their goals anyways, barring direct NATO intervention, i.e. WW3.
Or Ukraine can surrender, the Deep State will lose their headquarters for offshore racketeering, and their corrupt dealings and bioweapons production will be under the microscope.
Interesting times ahead.
Follow the money!!!! Gaza is going thru Urban renewal...
"Program of land redevelopment in cities, often where there is urban decay"
Watch Pt1 and then watch Pt2.
💥💥💥 All you should know about the Israeli Ben Gurion Canal project... Pt1
💥💥💥 All you should know about the Israeli Ben Gurion Canal project... Pt2

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