InglriousTopic #7 Francois878 Feat. WGrates, Shul & Daniel the Demon "World Record Void Defense!!!"

10 months ago

Coming Sunday 6th of November, 12 am EST, four amazing and slightly crazy people will attempt a 150-200 waves World Record attempt on the Void mission of Belenus. Those people aren't just ordinary Tenno...
We have Wgrates, commander of the Corgi Army and best playing Doge you will ever find
We have Shul, known for his amazing knowledge of the game and rapid rise on Twitch.
We have Daniel the Demon, a man who doesn't understand the definition of Hype, as he constantly lives in one and doesn't know the world without it.
Missing in action is Animatedbreak, our local moose from Canada, always staying fit with 30-day-moose-fit.

Add to that the amazing Francois878 to take my place due to unexpected family matters and you have, what can possibly be described as the best InglriousTopic we've ever had :)

Be sure to be there for the WORLD RECORD ATTEMPT!
Sunday 6 November 2016, 12 AM EST
What's that in my time you ask? (
Over at:

Special thanks to Francois878:

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