Drew Manning: Fit After 40 & Why Drew Gained 75 Pounds (Again!) | Wellness Force #Podcast

3 years ago

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“I'm on a mission to disrupt the fitness industry by leading with empathy first and a better understanding on the mental and emotional side so that people don't view physical transformation as this chore, this punishment that they have to go through because society accepts this belief or this myth that you have to look a certain way to be loved. My hope is that people will wake up and I feel like we can do that by leading with empathy first but empathy with boundaries.”

Keto Diet Expert, Host of the Fit2Fat2Fit Experience Podcast, and Author of the NY Times Best Selling book, Fit2Fat2Fit, Drew Manning, comes back to share how you can be fit after 40, how he's changing the world of the fitness industry with his Back2Fit weight loss approach, how the three arcs of intelligence can help you sustain a healthy lifestyle, and why hitting rock bottom is actually a blessing.

Listen To Episode 379 As Drew Manning Uncovers:

(0:00) What Is Empathy?
(15:00) Why Losing Weight Isn't The Key To Happiness
(19:00) The Arc Of Intelligence For Wellness
(27:00) How To Let Go Of An Addiction
(36:00) Why Hitting Rock Bottom Is A Blessing
(43:00) A New Way Of Being For Men

What Is Empathy?

-His achievement of running 100 miles in less than 24 hours.
-Digging into what's going currently going on in Drew's life and what it means to love and respect your physical body.
-Why he's doing a second round of Fit2Fat2Fit with the goal to gain 75 pounds weight gain after 40 with the focus on empathy.
-Breaking down what empathy is and why it doesn't necessarily mean becoming codependent and attached to it.

Why Losing Weight Isn't The Key To Happiness

-Why the weight loss journey doesn't automatically give a person happiness; that is something that is achieved through the inner work.
-How we've been programmed to see weight loss as something that can only be achieved if we look like an Instagram model.
-Why so many people think they won't be respected or loved unless they lose weight.
-The fact that we so often turn to outside things like money, materialism, and even our looks to "fix us."

The Arc Of Intelligence For Wellness

-Unpacking the biggest prices he has paid during this embodiment of wellness intelligence including the mental and emotional struggles.
-How he's opened up on social media about the real mental and emotional struggle he's going through during Fit2Fat2Forty to make people more aware of their weight loss journeys.
-The connection between sleep deprivation and mood and energy.

How To Let Go Of An Addiction

-Josh's own addiction with pornography and how Drew helped him with it by introducing him to Kathryn Dixon.
-Drew's own journey with porn addiction and what most people don't realize about their individual addictions.
-How he has helped people overcome emotional eating through self-awareness and thoughtfully responding in the moment instead of reacting.
-The steps he took to let go of addiction by reframing and understanding from a heart to heart level by asking himself the deepest, hardest questions.

Why Hitting Rock Bottom Is A Blessing

-His background and childhood growing up in a very religious setting.
-Why he believes that hitting rock bottom can be such a blessing in disguise.
-Exploring his own rock bottom and how it led him to such radical change when he left his religion and got a divorce.
-What he did to help himself heal over the years after hitting his rock bottom.

A New Way Of Being For Men

-The struggles that Drew knows he will face in January 2021 as he flips the switch and focuses on getting healthy and fit.
-Drew's invitation to people to join him as they focusing on their health journey together with Back2Fit.
-Why we all need to wake up and care when it comes to our health, relationships, and spirituality because apathy is one of the lowest human emotions.


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