World Lost Energy Volg

7 months ago

World Lost Energy Volg title is from the date November 3, 2023 thus #21 the World card indicating completion of the hero's Journey. Lost was the card from the divine abundance oracle deck.
The Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure site showed us two0 amplitudes. The first is apower of 17 at 3:15AM UTC, thus we have the Hermit finding the Star card within for inner wisdom; hope and clarity. the4 second power was 13 the Death card at 4:00 AM UTC, The the Emperor contemplate death as he seeks to expand his empire. The quality power was 14 the Temperance card thus we seek balance and a measure3d approach. The Frequency average was 7.75 hertz, thus we have #19 The Sun card of abundance and warmth. Therefore, we have the World traveler gazing upon the Star of hope and clarity while praying to the sun for temperance from the noon day heat.

We pulled two card from the Divine Abundance Oracle deck. The First was Lost you sometimes learn true offering through loss. You make a passionate invatationfor love to take over and bring her w owen plan instead of Ego9's. the second card Right Action, Aoarugraphaliterly means "Let everything that wants to go go adn what want to come come.
Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure site:
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