The Realms of Amenra: The Haven of Holy Spirits - Bass Bees

8 months ago

Name(s): Bass Bees (Orange and Yellow)
Gender: Male (Both Orange and Yellow)
Age: 17 (Orange) 16 (Yellow)
Bios: There were two brother bees, Orange and Yellow. They were two of the adorable bees of the hive and unlike all bees, they were adventurous and loved to explore out of the hive, they also liked to enjoy dancing, and singing to music. Although they can't be able to sing well, they teach each other to use their wings to make bass melodies. On their travels, they came across some new faces called The Spirituals. They wanted to play their songs on the island but didn't have anyone with bass material so they offered some "air support" for them. After a demonstration, they joined up with the Spirituals and their adventures. What adventures will come to the Bee brothers? Who knows.

This project is inspired by a game called My Singing Monsters which is created by Big Blue Bubble.

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