Life update.. Where I’ve been.

2 years ago

Life Update. Again I am so sorry for being offline for the past few months. Here’s why.
As most of you know, I picked up and moved my life to Colorado from Virginia. I’ve lived in Virginia my whole life and have always wanted to move out west, so we finally did it.
After being there a few months, moving to Colorado just wasn’t working out for us. So I had to make my leave unfortunately. I picked up and moved YET AGAIN, to Utah. Luckily, Utah was my first choice of where I wanted to move. I always wanted to move to Utah after filming for Bitchin’ Bootcamp.
I move into my new place in a week, and I will have space here for all of my cars. Just enough space for me, Knolly and my cars. I have never lived on my own or had my own place, so this is a huge step for me. I am so excited for what comes next and to be able to share with you what my life will be moving forward.
Thank you for letting me take a step back and focusing on myself, my mental health and setting myself up for success on my own terms without having the need to take anyone else into consideration or report back to anyone. I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for all of you supporting me. I’m genuinely grateful for every single one of you. 💕
More car builds coming up 😈 this is about to be the best year of my life.

I love you all so much 🔥💕 Stay rad and have fun!

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