Hasidic ad || Hasidic Jews do British humor

2 years ago


This video is a Hasidic take on the Hugh Laurie and Stephen Fry sketch. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hNoS2BU6bbQ
Thanks for the commentors who shared this in the comments!

Notice that the original uses the name Nipple which has been replaced with Parapapa; because a body part like 'nipple' is not an appropriate joke; it verges on dirty!


Further in my collection of Hasidic ads... the medium for Hasidic video creation... this one is an old one for On Time Studios, a Hasidic production company that creates many ads. Here they are interviewing someone for a job. That person has very unusual answers to interview questions, involving throwing things and tapping, clapping, slapping.

I have a feeling the people who made this ad had a lot of fun with the process. You also get a sense of the very "chill Hasidic man" character type in this video; the sophisticated, fancy businessman who speaks Yiddish and dresses Hasidic; a new kind of Hasidic man that's been emerging for the last 10+ years.

#yiddish #jewishhumor #yiddishsketch

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