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Buddha Bowl

1 year ago

Retete de golit frigiderul

Ce am folosit:
Orez integral gata fiert, din frigider
Porumb fiert
Dovlecel prajit in putin ulei, cu sare si un amestec de condimente (puteti folosi ce doriti)
Piept de pui prajit in putin ulei cu sare si un amestec de condimente (puteti folosi ce doriti). Puiul a fost lasat la marinat cateva ore cu sare, amestecul de condimente, zeama de lamaie si ulei.
Ce contine amestecul de condimente ce am folosit : sare, rosii, ceapa rosie, praz, boia, chili, cimbru, ceapa verde.

Clean out the fridge meals

What I used:

Brown rice already cooked
Boiled corn on the cob
Zucchini sticks, fried in oil, with salt and a mix of spices (you can use what you like)
Chicken breast, fried in oil, with salt and a mix of spices (you can use what you like)
The chicken was marinated for a few hours with salt, the mix of spices, lemon juice and olive oil.
What's in the mix of spices I used today: salt, tomatoes, red onion, leeks, paprika, chili, thyme, chives.


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