Are We On the Brink of World War 3? IWR Week of Nov. 3rd:

7 months ago

This week in news that mainstream media won't report and our government doesn't want you to hear...

• Alarming signs we may be on the brink of WW3
• Civic bylaws in Canada make free speech illegal
• The alarming number of Canadians who can't afford heat
• Trudeau's carbon tax set to double
• JCCF President John Carpay found innocent
• Trudeau government denies fair carbon tax exemptions
• Trudeau's mysterious $8 million dollar solar barn
• CAF drops public prayer ban, for now
• Ottawa protestor has all charges dropped
• Reliable data on how many Canadians have died from the shots
• New 'air vax' soon to be ready for use
• 128 more CAF soldiers sue military and government
• The FDA refuses to recall Covid vaccines despite carcinogens
• Kim Kardashian's nipple bra

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