3Nov23 IRS Vote Shows Congress Wants IRS War Against Americans — And MidEast, Russia, China

1 year ago

Bankman is FRIED!   Why did the politicians he paid turn against him, and how are the media and politicians using his conviction?  (2:06)
FDA banned several food additives in the last few days that have been used for decades but isallowing new experimental foods without screening.  Compare the difference between what they say are the health risks of the newly banned additives and what we know about the Trump Shots  (5:04)

Rasmussen poll finds 24% of people polled know someone who died from jabs and nearly half would sue if allowed.  The PREP Act doesn't protect against fraud (a judge has ruled) and another Pfraud from Pfizer has just been found (24:16)

Infant mortality increases 3% after 20 years of decline.  Governments have been pursuing a policy of depopulation since 1968.  Here's who started it… (1:12:03)

Hope? This year a popular trend in Shanghai for Halloween costumes was a mockery of the lockdown tyrants and their Zero-Covid authoritarianism (1:26:56)
In the last few months 5 Dutch professional cyclists have had collapsed and one died, from heart issues (1:35:53)

In Votes for Israel Aid, Dems Show Their Priority is Unleashing IRS Army to Attack Americans
GOP is "Israel First" and Dems are "IRS First".  For both parties it's "America Last". 
Why is the new Speaker, Mike Johnson, lying about a decrease in spending and IRS?
He's proposing to make it 5 TIMES BIGGER than current but that's not enough for Biden (1:41:17)
Dems refuse to do ANYTHING about US Border Invasion even when linked to their Ukraine War fetish (1:48:17)
Branch banks are closing rapidly across the country, especially in California.  There are several explanations but CBDC is accelerating globally — and the US is ahead of several countries.  (1:51:57)

INTERVIEW: Celente "They're Taking Us to War!" Gerald Celente, TrendsJournal.com As he predicted at the beginning of the year — the MidEast on FIRE!  Is there any way to stop it? (2:03:17)

For 10% off Gerald Celente's prescient Trends Journal, go to TrendsJournal.com and enter the code KNIGHT

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