Hasidic ad || Dad is busted!

1 year ago


Try changing the speed to a slower speed to follow along with the subtitles.

Another ad for my collection of Hasidic Yiddish advertisements. This is an ad for teaching kids to play the piano. Note that once upon a time, long ago, there were Hasidic decrees against the Casio, because this new thing, the piano, was seen as a modern contraption. Well, with the need for musicians at weddings and festivities, playing piano has more or less been normalized for men with a knack for it. Now that normalization has gone a step further with the introduction of programs like this one, which is catering to this demographic with special lessons in the music of this community. And while the original normalized instrument is the piano, other instruments like the guitar are also taking off. And now the shops sell guitars with special training kits for learning Yiddish music on the guitar. The music scene is no doubt exploding, it's a question of the impact across the genders. Since women can't play in front of men, the economic impetus for expanding women's music isn't there anywhere on the level it's there for men.

Something else of note: I found it interesting that this ad depicted the parent and child who didn't have proper music education guidance as dressed in old-fashioned garb. It was a statement of - these shtetl-looking backwater Jews are ignorant and backward. But flash forward to the modern look and voila, they are fully up to date with the latest in music training! This scene is ironically showing us a beautiful piano in the old-fashioned version, but just a portable one in the second half of the act.

#yiddish #jewishhumor #yiddishsketch

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