Energy dips? Ditch coffee, try this instead! #ketones @hvmn #ketoneiq #energyboost

7 months ago

“You have to fast, do a lot of dietary interventions, or work out to make your body turn its own fat reserves into ketones. In ketogenesis, your liver has to convert fat stores, it takes a long time. You can get really good at it and get you natural ketones up in 18-24 hours. If you're a carb-eater, you're going to take multiple days, and you're going to get keto flu because your body has to readapt its enzymes and all of its metabolism to focus on being a fat burner. But if you can have a drinkable ketone, you skip that conversion step. So you can have something that you directly consume that gives you ATP but it's not protein, fat, or carbohydrate.” – Geoffrey Woo

Geoffrey Woo, entrepreneur, investor, and co-founder and Executive Chairman of H.V.M.N., joins Josh Trent on the Wellness + Wisdom podcast episode 549 to teach you how to achieve ketosis without fasting or a keto diet, and how ketones can help you quit coffee for good.

Do you know the difference between endogenous and exogenous ketones?

In this episode, you will learn why exogenous ketones are the ultimate physical biohack, and how they can help you maximize your performance, quit drinking coffee, and replace fasting and keto diet.

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5 Best Natural Supplements For Energy Boost, Geoffrey Woo, Macronutrient MasterclassGET YOUR FUEL FROM KETONES
Looking for a cleaner brain fuel? Just one daily serving of Ketone-IQ™️ will help you feel sharper, more focused, and ready to take on the day

Ketones are nature’s superfuel, proven to support energy, focus, endurance, and more. Developed alongside the U.S. military and top universities, Ketone-IQ™ delivers all those benefits in one drink. No caffeine, no sugar—just clean, on-demand energy for superior physical and cognitive performance.

Did you know that ketones provide the most benefits in a certain range? With Ketone-IQ™, you can stay at these levels for up to 4 hours — much longer than other drinkable ketones.

Fueling with ketones takes you to a place where everything flows — a gentle, clean boost of energy without the jitters or racing heart.

Built to support endurance and recovery, Ketone-IQ™️ is used by high performers of all types, from Navy SEALs and Tour de France cyclists to athletes in every major sport in the U.S.

Each serving costs less than a cup of coffee!

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