Occult Origins of Project Bluebeam

1 year ago

Reptilians are real, but are they from another planet or have they been here all along? When Adam and Eve were created by God there was a reptilian hominid shapeshifter called the Serpent, who seduced Eve producing Cain, the ancestor of the serpent seed peoples such as Canaanites, whom Esau intermarried with, polluting his genetic heritage for evermore, which is why a key part of Esau's revenge is polluting the White Israelite race's genetic heritage through race mixing. So many people worship the serpent's offspring, who hijacked Palestine after the real Israelites were exiled by the Assyrians and Babylonians. Palestine was to become a curse after they left for their new promised lands in Europe and its White colonies. We are a blessing to the world, while the serpent seed Edomite Khazars are the people of the curse. The Israelite Romans destroyed Edomite Jerusalem, but the Edomite Khazars have now returned twice the children of hell they were before. Their creepy accents and looks witness against them.

Recent Project Blue Beam De-bunk Article
What Is Project Blue Beam?: Everything You Need to Know About the Universal Religion Conspiracy Theory

Among the many interesting trends that defined 2020s, conspiracy theories seemed to really make themselves at home in the minds of Americans last year. One such theory that gained a great deal of traction on the internet this past year is Project Blue Beam.

While many of the most famous conspiracy theories, such as Pizzagate, Birds Aren’t Real, and QAnon, were born in the United States, Project Blue Beam actually seems to have started in French Canada.

The theory claims to reveal plans by the New World Order — a shadowy organization that conspiracy theorists love to blame for all sorts of clandestine agendas and strange happenings — to replace the world’s religions with one universal religion. Theorists believe that this is a preliminary step in the New World Order’s quest to establish a global dictatorship under its rule.

While evidence to support this theory seems fairly scarce and unverifiable, it’s worth looking into what exactly this theory is and where it came from. And although this theory seems quite extravagant and unlikely, even among other conspiracy theories, there are some plausible elements to the scheme that Project Blue Beam believers claim has already been set in motion.


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