OREGON - Salem Keizer School District Passes The TRASH

1 year ago

2021 Keizer police department investigated complaints against McNary High School teacher Joshua Rist. They conducted interviews with students from Hermiston & McNary High schools. There were complaints of alleged "inappropriate contact with students" The alleged crimes would have constituted harassment or third-degree sexual abuse the DA's office said with sufficient evidence. The TSPC (Teacher's standard & Practice Commission) did an investigation and concluded that Rist had engaged in a gross neglect of duty. Rist agreed to the findings and was required to complete a 4 hour training. He was subjected to a 60 day suspension of his license from June to August as paid leave. His license would be on probation for 3 years. When Rist came off the 60 day probation he was reassigned to Kalapuya Elemntary School as a music teacher without the parent's knowledge of his previous behavior.
September 2023 2 Former McNary High Students file a $10 million lawsuit on Salem Keizer SD claiming that the district did not do enough to protect them form a predator. According to the lawsuit the students state that Rist groomed, harassed and abused them as minors. As of now Rist is on paid administrative leave and the Superintendent has stated "Based on what I know today, I do not believe Mr Rist should be allowed to serve students in Salem Keizer public schools or anywhere else." Castaneda said "I have already removed him from Kalapuya, and to the degree that it is legally under my control, I will not reinstate him in a student facing role"
Rist was passed from Hermiston to McNary and then to Kalapuya. How often does "Pass THE Trash' happen in Oregon Schools?

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