Insomnia due to frequent urination during the night.? , eat 1 time , it ' s alright - nice life

1 year ago

Insomnia due to frequent urination during the night.? , eat 1 time , it ' s alright - nice life
Every day should use from 200-300g of fresh green Mustard greens, blend it (add other fruits, such as pineapple, carrots, tomatoes, etc.), or cook soup, eat in the morning and in the evening, it will go away Nocturia, insomnia, right the first meal. After that , continue to use for 1 month , to restore liver , kidney , nerve and brain function . Effective without side effects
Mustard greens, also known as spicy greens. Mustard greens not only bring special flavor to the dish but also have beneficial effects in healing.
Gout is formed due to a diet rich in energy-rich foods, especially meat, fish, seafood, etc., so we need to reduce this type of nutrition.
People use mustard seeds to cure diseases by grinding them, then adding a little water, stirring until they see a paste, applying to the throat, bandages will be effective and relieve sore throat immediately. In addition, mustard seeds are also used to treat back pain, spine pain, diarrhea ...
The leaves are fan-shaped, slightly wrinkled, and yellow-green to dark green.
Because it is high in antioxidants such as beta carotene and flavonoids, mustard greens helps reduce the development of heart disease. Not only that, mustard greens also contains compounds that help bind bile acids in the digestive system so that it prevents the reabsorption of bile acids to reduce cholesterol.

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