This is how Donald Trump became President - John Patrick Acquaviva - 2016

1 year ago

Published on Apr 20, 2016

"The american people need to realize that Donald J. Trump is our last hope, he is the only person who is capable of saving america, and the western world as a whole from falling into the depths of despair due to globalist agendas and a crippling political correctness era.

Watch this CRAZY compilation of Hillary Clinton supporters abusing Trump Supporters!

These clips show Donald Trump from all the way back to 1986 up until present day and they do a fantastic job at demonstrating the kind of person Donald Trump is, and why he deserves to be the next president.

Time stamps to each segment:
* 1980 Rona Barrett Interview 00:10
* 1987 Oprah Interview 00:47
* 1988 GOP Convention 01:58
* 1989 Interview 02:55
* 1991 C-Span Interview 04:59
* 1999 Press Interview 06:05
* 2004 CNN Interview 06:27
* 2007 Larry King Live 07:00
* 2011 Steve Forbes Interview 07:27
* 2012 CNN Comments on Romney 09:08
* 2012 CNBC Interview on Economy 09:22
* 2014 Speaking at CPAC 11:18
* 2015 Press Event 14:17"

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